Aavesham Movie Review
In “Aavesham,” a gripping action-comedy directed by Jithu Madhavan, three college freshmen face the wrath of their seniors after resisting hazing. The trio – Aju (Pranav Raj, known as Hipster),…
Bollywood News, Box Office Updates & Movie Reviews
In “Aavesham,” a gripping action-comedy directed by Jithu Madhavan, three college freshmen face the wrath of their seniors after resisting hazing. The trio – Aju (Pranav Raj, known as Hipster),…
“Srikanth” is a cinematic gem that beautifully captures the life and struggles of Srikanth Bolla, a visually impaired industrialist who defied the odds to achieve monumental success. This film is…
The southern Gaza city of Rafah experienced a tragic incident as an Israeli air strike targeted a camp for displaced Palestinians. This attack resulted in significant casualties, including numerous women…