Tornado Spawning Storms Roll Through Mississippi
Tornado • Mississippi • National Weather Service

Tornado Spawning Storms Roll Through Mississippi : At least 21 dead after tornado-spawning storms roll through Mississippi. One town is ‘gone,’ resident says

A huge and risky cyclone has stirred things up around town side of Moving Fork and as indicated by an underlying report, there is critical harm to structures.

Various sources are revealing gigantic harm. Radio correspondence is down in pieces of the area. People on call in Moving Fork are arguing for help from encompassing offices by means of crisis correspondence lines.

Warren Region has proactively coordinated and dispatched a team drove by Boss Mitch Lange and Hurl Tate to Moving Fork.

The ongoing circumstance in Moving Fork is desperate.

The Sharkey Sheriff’s Area of expertise is revealing gas releases and individuals caught in heaps of rubble. Some policing are unaccounted for in Sharkey.

The twister is still on the ground close to 12 PM and is gone to Belzoni.

Sheriff Speed is dispatching units to help with Moving Fork and Sharkey Region. He is encouraging individuals to stay away from that area so crisis teams can work securely.

At least 21 people were killed after powerful storms and at least one tornado pummeled Mississippi on Friday night, ripping roofs off homes, nearly leveling some neighborhoods and knocking out power for thousands, officials said Saturday morning.

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