Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan The Indian Film Industry saw the Entry of Megastar Salman Khan on August 26, 1988, when Salman Khan made his very first on screen appearance in Biwi Ho Toh Aisi. While it was a concise job for Salman, he burst into scene and into a huge number of hearts with Maine Pyaar Kiya, after a year in 1989. 34 years, numerous essential jobs and blockbusters later, Salman Khan is viewed as one of the greatest Megastar of Indian film ever having conveyed the absolute greatest and most notable blockbusters through the excursion.
The devotees of Salman praised this day by trending #34YearsOfSalmanKhanEra on Friday and the hotshot recognized this signal by putting out an exceptional post on the entirety of his virtual entertainment stages. He expressed gratitude toward them for the love and backing and followed it up with the declaration of his new film, Kisi Ka Bhai.. Kisi Ki Jaan in a customized novel manner that is mark to him, as the genius has confidence in sharing his news straightforwardly with his fans